Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Growing tadpoles

The tadpoles which I rescued from the pond and placed in an old baby bath tub are really growing now on a diet of lettuce leaves and pond weed. I have put a tiny amount of crushed fish flake in also but can't tell if they are taking this. The tadpoles which were left in the pond seem to have diminished though they may just be hiding from the fish.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

First post

I have decided to set up a Blog relating specifically to our garden pond as it offers so many photographic opportunities and I want to record the pond in it's various stages throughout the four seasons.
Although we have had this water feature since 1999 and have seen frogs in it periodically it is only within the last couple of years that the frogs have taken up permanent residence and this spring is the first time we have had frog spawn in the pond.
I have taken advantage of the current spell of unseasonally good weather to use my new camera and this is my first selection of photos. I am fairly happy with the macro feature in the zoom lens which is a Tamron 70-300mm model.
Over the course of the summer I hope to get lots of shots of pond life including my dozen fish, dragonflies and the plants which grow in and around the pond.